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The Bobbie Morrone Trio

General Information

The Bobbie Morrone Trio
Artist Name: The Bobbie Morrone Trio
Genre(s): pop,blues,funk
Contact: Bobbie Morrone
bobbiemorrone - at -
Years Active: 2007 - Present

Band members:
(Bold indicates
current member.)
Bobbie Morrone - Guitar, Vocals
Jordan Poortenga - Bass
Isaac Vining - Drums
Related Bands: (unavailable)


Bobbie Morrone launched his music career in approximately 2007. Since then, the fledgling act has recruited three other musicians who create their own slow-burning tunes blurring the lines between jazz and popular music. Rose Benge at AAA Music roughly compared him to Jack Johnson “if [Jack] were actually good.” This twist of humor reflects the originality of Morrone’s sound fraught with eclectic riffs and blues infused phrases. His most recent release was the EP “The Best I Can Be” from 2014 featuring three tracks of particularly distinct flavors.

Morrone’s favorite guilty pleasure playlist includes music like Beyonce’s “Love On Top.” In all seriousness, his focused sound is akin to the likes of Johnson and John Mayer. Morrone is working on a full-length album to be released in 2016 and is currently spinning his wheels in the Midwest.


Featured Releases

Acoustics '15

The Best I can Do EP

The Bedroom Sessions (Vol 2)

Bobbie Morrone Trio

The Bedroom Sessions (Vol 1)


Upcoming Dates

(no shows found on calendar)


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